Sunday, September 14, 2014

Agents S.H.I.E.L.D. : A new TV spot on an air of Iron Man ...

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A third TV spot for the agents of SHIELD (the first two are here)! Illustrate sound, which of course recognized "Highway to Hell", a song by Tony Stark's favorite band, AC / DC sang. 'm Not stupid. As a bonus some videos Box Set DVD / Blu-ray Season 1: A featurette about the betrayal of Ward and cut scene Agent Leo Fitz ...

Agents of SHIELD - Season 2 - Episode 1 - 'Shadow': Coulson and his team are now refugees with limited resources - but that does not stop them to protect the world from the powerful, invisible threats. However, with new members who hardly know SHIELD can trust him again?


Agents of SHIELD It airs every Tuesday on ABC (and soon M6) chain, Clark Gregg (Phil Coulson Director), Ming-Na Wen (actor Melinda May), Brett Dalton (conveying Ward), Chloe Bennet (Central Skye) Iain De Caestecker (Agent Leo Fitz), Elizabeth Henstridge (Agent Jemma Simmons) and Nick Blood (point Lance Hunter).

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