Wednesday, September 24, 2014

X-Men - Apocalypse: start The viral campaign?

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x-men Apocalypse Virus marketing

If the viral campaign X-Men: Apocalypse had begun? While promoting the DVD / Blu-ray X-Men: Days of Future Past transferred in full swing, the Facebook page of the franchise two new fake websites: Fox and wasted no time - Trask Industries, was established in July 2013 to life, only ten months "before the release of X-Men: Days of Future Past - but what is surprising is that not a" talk about it!

Both sites offer new information about the world of cinema, with support documents after X-Men: Days of Future Past (1973). With M-meter, we learned that Ted Kennedy, the brother of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was also a mutant! How TheBentBullet - Magneto behind the assassination of Kennedy? - The site we are talking about today are interested in a member of this famous family ...

First revelation: 1963, Ted Kennedy survived the crash of his plane through a healing factor ...! Wolverine would have a similar power. Second revelation: 1978, the American politician was to give a speech. I had to tell the world their mutant status. For some reason he never made that speech ...

ted Kennedy mutant-xmen

kennedy mutant Apocalypse

ted Kennedy speech-xmen

All documents are of M-meter, a fictitious organization, which describes itself as sent:

"Our goal is simple: for those who want to drive a wedge between humans and genetically gifted beings terminate will not let our world by misinformation the only" mutant menace threatens the mutants torn ... "

x-men-apocalypse mutant-metro

But even more surprising is coming ... Before we Tandem Initiative, a fictitious company, specializes in the study of mutant powers. And then came the shock: 1973 (the last X-Men: Days of Future Past), the mutant population is estimated at 2.3 million people; in 2023 (the future of the X-Men: Days of Future Past), the mutant population is estimated 7 billion people! There are only 900 million people on earth. Bolivar Trask was right! He predicted the downfall of mankind in the year 2030 ...

homo superior


Xmen Apocalypse Virus marketing

If all of these elements - totally unprecedented! - Are they based on the upcoming movie, we conclude that the mutant population will be the majority in X-Men: Apocalypse Is that a picture of the world according to the revelation of the era of revelation The ugly history would be rewritten? Is it a consequence of time travel Wolverine? In his theories!


Mutant underground viral-xmen

X-Men: Apocalypse is produced by Bryan Singer and published in France May 18, 2016.

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