Saturday, August 16, 2014

Star Wars - Episode VII: Stormtroopers, Han Solo and the great villains (images and rumors) ...

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Moves from one side of Star Wars: Episode VII ... leaks and rumors have proliferated in the last few hours. The site Revolver Indie obtain two images of the new generation of Storm Troopers: Classic Stormtrooper and Snowtrooper. Note that a third image - written in a dedicated forum - has the new image of the imperial troops confirmed. Confirmation, photo support, is a reflection of the latest developments. Everything seems to be going in the same direction, strengthening the credibility of the entire ...

The main difference with the stormtroopers of the original trilogy is in the asymmetry of the trunk (no respirator is on the right side). The result is great. Snow Trooper helmet is amazing. These specialized troops are equipped with spears of fire. It also discusses a third type of storm troops. Some wear armor chrome ... this can become invisible! Two sketches of Han Solo - dress 'snowball' / costume "dealer" - round out the leaks.

For reasons of historiographical turn now to the latest rumors about the history of Star Wars: Episode VII, when you consider that it is impossible, the claims of the Latino (The two sides have agreed to tell the same story?) Review and Badass Digest review. The villains of the film would be ... inquisitors., As in the animated television series Star Wars Rebels. Chief inquisitor would be a black dress, have red eyes.

The robotic hand of JJ Abrams presented earlier this week is this character. Note that the event of conceptual art was released below after the publication of this specification. Inquisitors are as the defender of the Sith order described. Thanks Expanded Universe. But as Sentinels X-Men trilogy, why not shown in the original trilogy? That is the question ...

A flashback - with a guest appearance by Darth Vader and Princess Leia young daughter of Carrie Fisher played - would undertake to explain why and how the viewers and young hero of the film (by John Ridley Boyega and Daisy played). In fact, Luke Skywalker come free. It would be locked up for 30 years. I do not like this idea.

This undermines the image of the Jedi master completely. It's an easy way to stagnate galactic history: no Luke Skywalker, not the New Jedi Order, not the new Republic ... We stopped to 'wait' Star Wars Episode VII And I'm not talking about the collapse of Han Solo and Leia speak. were not found, those poor damned Lucas! I leave you to digest all this, and I welcome your comments ...


Star Wars: Episode VII is by JJ Abrams and published in France December 18, 2015, with John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Max von Sydow, Harrison Ford (Han Solo), Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia), Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) and Kenny Baker (R2-D2).

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