Friday, July 25, 2014

[Comic-Con] Interstellar: The panel ... Christopher Nolan at Comic-Con for the first time!

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Christopher Nolan interstellar

At last! This is an event within the event, directed by Christopher Nolan for the first time at Comic-Con in San Diego! Batman fans will appreciate the "despised" ... for years has always been very discreet British director's latest baby at night, Interstellar presented, alongside Matthew McConaughey. We hear the actor:

"I could say much, but I will not. (...) This is by far the most ambitious film Mr Nolan. (...) Cooper is a pilot, a mechanic, a widower with two children while struggling to to get civilization. There are food, drinking water, but no need to explorers, new bright ideas. then something happens, and the dream appeared a pilot again. "

An assembly was broadcast by several minutes exclusive, and a new trailer. Of course, nothing was leaked. Do you have to settle for these pictures. And the following information: Star Wars, Blade Runner and 2001: A Space Odyssey influenced the film. Excellent references ...


Christopher Nolan movies - Matthew McConaughey

Christopher Nolan Matthew McConaughey-comic-con-interstellar

Christopher Nolan Matthew McConaughey Comic-Con panel

Paramount Studios presentation - Comic-Con International 2014

nolan Comic-con interstellar

Interstellar is directed by Christopher Nolan and published in France November 5, 2014, with Matthew McConaughey (Cooper), Anne Hathaway (fire), Jessica Chastain, Bill Irwin, John Lithgow (Donald), Casey Affleck, David Gyasi, Wes Bentley, Mackenzie Foy (Tina), Timothy Chalamet, Topher Grace, David Oyelowo, Ellen Burstyn and Michael Caine.

They also enjoy reading ...

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