Sunday, July 20, 2014

Marvel: Marvel Studios presents his program for the period 2017 - 2019!

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Marvel Studios-calendar-2017-2019-future movies

This is the statement that makes the joy ... Marvel Studios has unveiled its 2019 calendar! . These are the new dates announced July 28, 2017 November 3, 2017, July 6, 2018 November 2, 2018 and 3 May 2019, the union, note the following dates: Avengers: Age of Ultron (April 29, 2015 in France), Ant-Man (August 5, 2015, France), Captain America 3 (May 6, 2016), and two films Secrets (July 8, 2016 and 5 May 2017). I refer you to the Marvel Calendars (2014 - 2019) to see more clearly.

Analyze. This is a first, is Marvel Studios three blockbusters in 2017 release (5 May 28 July 3 November)! The second-wrote on Fantastic Four 2 (14 July). Another curiosity, the House of Ideas in 2018 left the lucrative first weekend in May ... In any case, a decision Disney / Lucasfilm, who want to stop after Star Wars: Episode VII Friday, May 4, 2018 (the date is perfect "that the fourth ...".) We have seven films, mysteries, waiting to present Comic-Con.

No need to be a magician, the launch of Doctor Strange (8 July 2016) anticipate. For the rest ... The May 3, 2019 seems to coincide Avengers 3 But that would mean that Phase 3 extends nine films. It is huge, but remained organize a grand finale ... From Doctor Strange and avenger 3, we are likely to find Thor 3, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 (?), The Incredible Hulk 2 (?), Black Panther (?) Captain Marvel (?) The Inhumans (?) and some surprises. To create your ideal schedule!

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