Monday, July 28, 2014

Deadpool: An extract from the online video test!

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Not much time left ... 2012: Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld, he reveals that he saw a video test eight minutes. Eight minutes of action, humor and with katanas Disert mercenaries. Today part of this video test filtered. Name a flying pancake, it's about time! The timing is perfect, just after the Comic-Con ... Is a gift of consolation Fox?

The study was conspicuous by its absence this year. Everything in the reboot of the Fantastic Four, the same for the X-Men franchise, but a minute Deadpool, is good for everyone, and it costs nothing (but want more). What do you think of this video think? Rubbing salt in the wound of a project (maybe) will not hurt me, right?

They also enjoy reading ...

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