Monday, July 14, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy: Discover 17-minute preview of the film (5 TV spots) ...

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Calling all friends spoilerophiles. "The preamble of the last meeting IMAX 3D July 16, 2014, discover the first great IMAX 3D images Guardians of the Galaxy" Sure, a gathering of 17 minutes will be seen before the last session Transformers: The Age of Extinction ( about 21 hours). Here is the list of participating theaters: Quai d'Ivry Pathe, Gaumont Disney Village, Pathe Carre de Soie (Grand Lyon), Gaumont Grand Quevilly (Rouen) and Gaumont Labège (Toulouse). If you are involved in the operation, do not hesitate to share your impressions! Come on, a few months before the national liberation ...

Peter Quill is a bounty hunter by all for stealing a mysterious world coveted by powerful Ronan, whose actions threaten the entire universe pursues adventurers. When he discovers the true power of this world and the threat to the Galaxy, is a fragile alliance with four different aliens: Drax and Rocket Raccoon end shooter, Groot, similar to a humanoid tree, the mysterious and deadly Gamora the destroyer that only dreams of revenge . By their cause, they believe, to provide a final battle, as he desperately to save what will be even ...

Wake-milano-ship Galaxy

Guardian-of-the-galaxy-minimalist posters official

Guardians of the Galaxy is directed by James Gunn and published in France August 13, 2014, with Chris Pratt (Peter Quill / Star-Lord), Zoe Saldana (Gamora), David Bautista (Drax the Destroyer), Bradley Cooper (Rocket Raccoon) , Vin Diesel (Groot), Lee Pace (Ronan the accuser), Michael Rooker (Yondu), Karen Gillan (fog), Djimon Hounsou (Korath) Benicio del Toro (Taneleer Tivan / Collector) John C. Reilly (Rhomann Dey) and Glenn Close (Nova Prime).

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