Friday, August 15, 2014

Godzilla 2: The sequel to the hit American screens June 8, 2018!

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Gareth Edwards can make a cross on your next vacation. After the American Godzilla screens will beat 8 June 2018, four years after the "first" album. Meanwhile, the British director has given a spin-off of Star Wars (December 16, 2016). It is about 18 months, small production completed Godzilla 2 ...

Godzilla from $ 507.8 million reported in the world (200.5 million U.S. dollars in the United States and 1,361,689 visitors in France). Both suites advertised to do only the best, with the addition of the most charismatic Muto Monsters: Rodan (the giant pterosaurs), Mothra (the giant butterfly) and King Ghidorah (the winged dragon with three heads) ...

Godzilla 2 is directed by Gareth Edwards and the United States published 8 June 2018.

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