Saturday, August 9, 2014

Star Wars / Batman v Superman: IF JJ Abrams responds to Zack Snyder ...

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Snyder batman-dark-Star-Wars-Vader

This is the drama of the summer. The romantic story of the year. I speak of course of the long-distance relationship qu'entretiennent Zack Snyder and Bad Robot. Tweets by director and producer JJ Abrams Star Wars multiply Photos / DC Comics brought camp.

The last one was published by Bad Robot, is the most successful so far. In this new representation, the manufacturer presents "The C3ped Crusader", also known as C-3PO known! Coincidentally, it starts too much to make. To believe that Snyder has signed to do a spin-off ...



Episode I:

Episode II:
Episode III:

Star Wars: Episode VII is by JJ Abrams and published in France December 18, 2015, with John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall Gleeson, Max von Sydow, Harrison Ford (Han Solo), Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia), Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO), Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) and Kenny Baker (R2-D2).

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