Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Inhuman: The script is ... a new project in danger, Marvel Studios?

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Project-the-film wonder, Inhuman

I think we have the latest thriller from Phase 3! After Ant-Man, Captain America 3 Doctor Strange, Thor 3 Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and 3 before Avengers, it is the turn of the Inhumans ...? The website Collider reports that Marvel Studios is pleased scenario written by Joe Cole Robert. The latter is a member of the Marvel writing program (young authors are working on potential license).

The idea is the recipe that made replicate the success of the Guardians of the Galaxy: Trust in the initial phase (Nicole Perlman / Joe Cole Robert) is a screenwriter and director who can bring their own vision (James Gunn /?). The Kree - - genetic experiments in Homo sapiens carried out in order to create a race of super-soldiers, but who the Inhumans, foreigners have much time.

Left to itself, this cosmic mutants - are immersed in the "teratogenic fog" to activate her powers - have margin of humanity (sometimes on Earth, sometimes in the Moon) developed. Today, they are led by the charismatic Black Arrow (destructive voice) and the beautiful Medusa (Cross hair). The result will be something probably halfway between the X-Men and Game of Thrones.


Random was Vin Diesel, applying for a role in the film, "Wine and wonder ... all thanks to you I have the strange feeling that Marvel thinks I'm inhuman Haha! .." Before interpreters imagine Groot Black Arrow, remember that the actor like herring multiply - the vision! - And in the best case, the to speak Inhumans country on the big screen in 2017, too soon about the casting, it is ...

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