Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Shazam: Dwayne Johnson hesitates, doubts ... Warner asks him to wait, wait ...

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Shazam Dwayne Johnson rock-

Shazam development project is fascinating ... Let's start with two quotes, the first start is Dwayne Johnson. "Shazam, of course, want to play this role. She came up to me [Captain Marvel] and [villain] Black Adam. Months we met doubt. between we., I think it is to the fans. doubt. "

The second is from an article published Monday by The Associated Press: "Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, he told a role in a film by DC Comics had, but he has not made his choice between his nemesis superhero Shazam and Black Adam." This is the case: Dwayne Johnson quote in the first paragraph ... Date September 2007! Publicly, we are still hanging in the same place.

Today the site Omelette informed of interesting information. The Rock revealed that he wanted to formalize their involvement in the project Shazam the last Comic-Con (which was present Hercules.) But Warner rejected because it was not the right time. The actor says an announcement will be made shortly (known air). And that her favorite character is still black Adam (to).

In short, it was months, years behind this story ... But if Shazam is the secret film of 5 August 2016, an announcement last much longer! Dwayne Johnson play him aka Shazam Captain Marvel? Warner is worried about the role of a villain, Black Adam see? Or ... One theory claims that the two more popular characters could play. What about you?

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